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The Weekly Roll - January 10th 2025 - ZZZ's Collective

The Weekly Roll - January 10th 2025

Happy Friday!

Welcome back to The Weekly Roll. I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year, and am sending my thoughts and prayers to our readers in Southern California. Take a look below to see what’s going on this week in cannabis and art:

Cannabis Under Trump in 2025 Donald Trump’s second tour of duty kicks off amidst multiple pivotal legislative debates around the topic of cannabis in the United States. Cheif among them are the ongoing hearings related to the Rescheduling of Cannabis under the Controlled Substances Act, which would see cannabis becoming a Schedule III drug. The primary impact of this change would be the elimination of the 280E tax rule which is currently crippling the industry by not allowing businesses normal write-offs and exemptions. The second major piece of legislation is the SAFE Banking Act, which would provide cannabis businesses access to normal federal financial services. While Trump has verbally supported the pro-cannabis side of both of these debates, some of his appointments in key positions provide grounds for concern. Either of these changes would be a massive boon for the cannabis industry as a whole. Article 

Opium Payments and Use Decrease in Medical Marijuana States A recent study showed that opium companies are spending less money and effort to facilitate doctors prescribing their drugs in states which have medical marijuana. In addition, it turns out that opioid use and opioid deaths are also lower in states that have a medical cannabis program demonstrating the value of cannabis as a healthier and safer alternative to opiates. This is a huge cause for hope, as pain doctors are increasingly seeing cannabis as a better way to treat patients with pain-related issues in our country which has been ravaged by an opioid epidemic. Over time, hopefully cannabis can continue to reduce the level of dependency of our population on opiates and continue to reduce the number of opioid-related deaths.  Article

Interesting Number : $1 Billion. The milestone of total all-time recreational cannabis sales in New York State that was crossed last month. The market has been open since 2022, but struggled to gain traction in its first couple of years. In 2024, however, hundreds of dispensaries and operators got up and running with the beginning of efforts to curb the black market. The amazing growth last year positions New York well to have another great year in 2025 as legal stores continue to open up and illegal outlets continue to be shut down. The state has now generated over $80 million in tax revenue from the cannabis industry.  Articles

2 Museums Fall Victim to LA Fires : As the horrific fires continue to blaze in Southern California, two museums have burned down while others have been forced to close. One was a ranch that hosted a Beverly Hills museum in tribute to actor Will Rogers. The second was Altedena’s Bunny Museum. This museum had over 50,000 pieces of bunny related items, and had a cult reputation as “one of the weirdest, wildest places in California.” The museum had multiple Guinness World Records, and was established in 1998. Article

Have a great weekend! 


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