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Introducing ZZZ’s Winter Interns! - ZZZ's Collective

Introducing ZZZ’s Winter Interns!

We’re so excited to introduce our two interns for the month of January, Dan and Ella! They will be helping us with different projects this month that are all geared towards growing our platform for artists. These projects include fixing up our website to better rank on google searches, helping build out the first version of the ZZZ’s Gallery, and helping build out our Amazon store. They’ve both written a little bit about why they are working with ZZZ’s, and their relationships with art!

Ella Wilcox: My name is Ella and I’m from Windham, Maine. I’m a sophomore at Colby College majoring in economics, and I’m so excited about the chance to work with ZZZ’s Collective. I'm very interested in its objective to support independent artists and amplify creative voices.

My appreciation for art expanded after I took a Zen and the Arts in Asia class, which taught me how Zen philosophy inspires art and how creativity can represent mindfulness and harmony. This completely changed my outlook on the importance of artistic expression.

During this month, I'm excited to get hands-on experience and learn from ZZZ's fantastic team. I can't wait to contribute to ZZZ's objective and learn new skills in a fun, creative setting!

Dan McDonald:  Hey ZZZ’s, I’m Dan, a sophomore at Colby from Weston Massachusetts. I’m excited to help expand ZZZ’s and create something great. I believe ZZZ’s found a unique niche that will make it a top rolling paper brand. The shared revenue with artists, coupled with a new platform for emerging artists makes ZZZ’s a one of a kind company. My goal is to immerse myself in the startup mindset, and learn valuable e-commerce and market expansion skills. 

My whole life I have taken a strong interest in the art space. Music is my preferred form of art. I have attended many concerts, and taken many music classes in school. When I was younger, I would make electronic music with my friends after school. Art is an outlet for people to express themselves and bond over, which is what I love about it.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll give updates on Dan and Ella’s experience as ZZZ’s Interns! Thank you, Dan and Ella!



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